Now many would ask why I am so excited about Operation Potty Boot Camp and have this need to post it on the family blog. My aunt and I were chatting this weekend and she brought up a good point. This whole potty training business intimidated me the most out of all the big steps towards being independent humans that Holly and Heidi have made thus far.
When it was time to move them into their own rooms and own bed at 4 months, I dealt with the 3 days of drama filled crying and moved on.
When it was time to ween, ditch the pacifier, and bottle I just did it and dealt with the challenges that imposes for a couple of days.
When it was time to move Holly into her big girl bed, I just did it and expected nothing but a good outcome from her.
When it was time to potty train I froze in terror. I did not know what to do or how to handle the whole process. I must of started and stopped the potty training business 3 or 4 times since she was 20 months old.
As of Wednesday, I set my fear aside (OK who am I kidding) I was a terrified mess! I ditched the diaper, prepared a mop bucket, filled up an endless juice cup and set the timer and went for it. We are now on day 5 of OPBC and things are going better than I ever expected.
I should also mention that Scott has been a great cheerleader and assistant coach in this venture of parenthood!
Stats (this is mainly for my validation) :
10 accidents (5 were on the first day and now at about one a day)
25 successes
71% Success Rate
0 accidents
7 successes
100% Success Rate
Sticker Chart Progress Day Two:
Sticker Chart Progress Day Five: