

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lunch with a lot of Heart!

My little Ms. Recently Picky (Holly) has been a bit impossible when it comes to eating. OK, let's just face it, she has been down right stubborn and turning both Scott inside out during meal time because she refuses to eat. We have been trying everything to get her to eat her meals and we are not serving up 'nose turning' options (i.e. spaghetti, homemade sloppy joes, tacos, scramble eggs with cheese and bacon, etc). I have had her help me make meals, and then when it is time to eat, it is "No Thank You". We cut snacks, we cut dessert, we sent to bed with no story.
Well, today I got her to eat something that she has turned her nose up to for months! I decided instead of being turned inside out and getting upset, I relaxed and decided to put some fun and love into her meals. Hey, she is two and I have been dying to have some fun with her food preparation since she was in the womb (you should see the amount of fun kid's cookbooks I have).

She actually loved the grilled cheese heart! She was suspect at first and did this little bite as if it was grilled bugs, but once she sunk her teeth into that gooey goodness, she was hooked! I was getting worried, every kid loves grilled cheese. All I had to do was apply the original passion I have for cooking creatively. Hey, I do it for Scott and I every meal, now Scott is going to get a little extra inspiration with each meal too! For future meals... may 'the heart and patience of cooking force' be with me!