

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daddy and Holly's First Date Night!

Tonight, Scott is braving the crowds to take Holly to Toy Story 3 in 2D. For the past week all she has been saying is 'Buzz, Buzz, Buzz'. This will be Holly's first motion picture so we will see how long the date actually lasts. Any takers they will be home within an hour? . . . TBA . . .  Well, they made it an hour and a half though the movie.  Scott said that she had a bag of popcorn as big as her and once she polished that off, she was ready to go.  She also insisted on sitting in her own seat, which she was not heavy enough to hold down the seat, so Scott had to become a human pretzel and reach his leg across to add weight to it.   Apparently, she plopped the popcorn in between her knees and munched away while pointing and explaining the characters to him.  He said it was absolutely adorable; a priceless memory!