

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Flynn and Co has Joined Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Yes, that is right we have joined the local CSA!  I am not sure why we have not done this sooner . . .  regardless, we are thrilled to be getting a box of wonderful locally grown produce every Tuesday.  The cost is very reasonable and it will actually cut our grocery bill down a bit due to staying local and cooking what is in "season" - kind of like what people used to do.  I will only need to pick up a few staples at the store...
The girls, also love going to the farm to pick it up and helps with getting those veggies down the ol' hatch!  
Last night I made homemade cream of broccoli and it was D-E-L-I-SH! 
The other thing that is neat about this program is that you get all kinds of vegetables that we have never tried before.  This weekend I am going to make a couple dishes using the rainbow chard and white beets.  I will let you all know how that works out! 
UPDATE:  I made those recipes!  If you would like to see what can be done with gold beets and rainbow chard click here to check it out on my other blog!