

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Is In Full Swing!

We kicked our summer off with getting the pool up and running (the water is already 80 degrees!) and Holly and I participated in our local church's VBS!
I ended up being a staff member in Holly's group of 27 three-year olds!  Needless to say there was a lot of "herding cats" involved.  We had a blast and the new friends and memories made were priceless.

The pool is a big hit and I think if Holly could find a way to sleep and eat in it, she would!

I have also been having a blast getting to know my Cricut Expressions and making scrapbook pages and cards! You can get a taste of my new favorite past time!

 Could not wait to get in!  Went in while filling the pool with her clothes on!

All the craft projects Holly made during the week of VBS.  The theme was Son Surfing!  (if you are wondering what is wrong w/ Holly's chin, she keeps picking at what was a small scrape so we covered it to prevent her from picking at it.)

A card I made for a B-day party we went to.
A "calling card" for a dish (Chili Corn Dog Bake) I brought to feed the volunteers while at VBS.