

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Play House . . . or Maybe a Guest House . . .

. . .  here is the most recent update for the playhouse for the girls.  We are about 60% done and I have to admit it is WAY over the top, but it has been fun working as a team with Scott on the design and build of such a fun project that will bring the girls many wonderful memories.

 Inside the Playhouse
 Shutters and Windows were installed today.  Note the little bird bath I found on the cheap that fits perfectly with the house!
 Had to throw in a couple of the kiddos.  Nap time is the only time Heidi refuses to sleep in her bed... She actually looks rather comfy!
Somehow, this all happened when Holly was "napping".  She was not happy with me that she had to clean it up before going into the pool.