Then on Saturday it was the kick off of "Operation What Were We Thinking?" with the Robert being part of the kick off party. We are redoing our back yard... the picture covers the 1000 words we have regarding this project. One of Scott's quotes, was, " I think I am digging my grave". Since the best way to our friend Robert's heart is through his stomach, I made a tri-tip and all the fixings that night! YUMMO! I finally made a tri-tip taste the way my grandfather used to make it.
On 4th of July we started the day at the Ventura Push and Pull'em Parade (Scott and I call it the Kid and Dog Parade). Aunt Sherry came out the fun and to help push the plane Captain Holly was flying. Heidi followed up the back in the wagon, that was decked out in 4th of July swag!
We decided to keep the cash in our pocket, so we skipped the Street Fair and headed out to Filmore to meet up with Al and his cronies to see their cars that were entered into the car show.
After all those fun festivities, we went home and were greeted by a very stressed out pooch (fireworks being set off during the day) that had an accident in multiple rooms upstairs, so we spend the rest of the afternoon steam cleaning the carpets, while the kiddos played in their pool.
The kids did not make it past 8:00 pm, so Scott and I sat out with our neighbors to watch the firework show which we could see perfectly from our front yard! The kids slept snug in their beds through all the booming, the dog shook through all the booming and Scott and I enjoyed our peach Bellini's through all the booming! It was the end of a perfect day!
Operation What Were We Thinking?
Me Pushing and Pulling for the Push and Pull'em Parade!
Aunt Sherry and I
We were at the front of the parade, this was our view looking back! Now that is a lot of kids and dogs!
At the Filmore Car Show, checking out Al's group of cronies' cars and having a few good laughs (see the Super Bird wing behind me and the wagon behind Al?)