Holly and Heidi have met a new milestone as sisters! This will be one of many lunch dates that they will keep with each other during their lifetime. Thankfully, they are not hashing over how much money they are spending on therapy due to mistakes their parents made during their childhood just yet.
I can imagine the hours Holly is going to log with her therapist on the "Great Benadryl Incident" that happened last Friday which lead to a call to Poison Control which lead to a ER visit which lead to being forced to drink charcoal (aka black mud mixed with a terrible off brand soda, which was a bad introduction to her first experience of soda) to absorb the half of the bottle she drank. Bottoms UP! (I can laugh now, but at the time it was incredibly terrifying).
The night before the incident I had taken the Benadryl out, along with other Children's Tylenol products due to the massive recall, to check on what was recalled and what was not. I left it on my counter in my bathroom. The next morning Holly had reached for it while Scott was getting ready for work and he told her not to touch that since it is something mommy only touches. Holly said "OK, Daddy put it back". Later, while I gathered up laundry, Holly found the bottles and went in for the kill. The Benadryl bottle top was not on secure enough and she had a nice drink of that yummy medicine. I caught what she did right away and the whirl wind of stress began.
She already had strep on her bottom that week, so needless to say having charcoal entering and exiting her body from both ends made for a much more sore bottom and tons of laundry! My poor baby girl!
Lesson: They are quick and very curious! I guess that saying is so true, "curiosity killed the cat." Post my experience and after speaking to many of my friends, they buttoned up their medications, tighter than Folsom Max. We as parents tend to over estimate our kids listening skills and restraint to curious things when they are two or even 20. You can't assume they are going to listen to you when their curiosity is so overpowering!