

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

Life is like a giant cupcake . . .

. . . it has its moments of being sweet, surprising and very messy." ~ ARF

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddy's Day!

Saturday Scott and I worked hard on installing window # 2 for our bedroom, which is on the second floor and is 8-feet long. Needless to say, I had many visions of the window and myself falling from the gaping hole to both of our demise as the install event was taking place. But like all of our projects, it went as planned with no incident. I guess that is a mind easing perk to be married to an Engineer.
Today was a beautiful day in So Cal (aren't they all?) and with no hesitation and his suggestion Scott decided that he would put away the tools and we headed out for a day at the beach! We played at the Ventura Harbor and had fish and chips and then went and had our first kite flying experience by the pier. I made a new pasta recipe and my 9-hour homemade lemon raspberry cheesecake per Scott's request for dinner. Outside of getting sunburned, the kids worn out, and me scalding/blistering my hand as I was draining the with pasta water, it was a perfect day.

Horsey Up and Down at Ventura Marina

Andrea's! Yummo! (This one is for you Daddio)

Let's go fly a kite! Holly and Heidi's first Kite....It was our version of a paper airplane. . . Corsair, of course!